Purification was done. All the elution give approximately a band at around 60 kDa.
Based on the standard curve..I managed to get about 0.35 mg/ml of protein for M15-pQEC1/pGro7 and 0.2 mg/ml of protein for M15-pQEC1 .
I'm thinking of...if from 400 ml of culture, I get the amount shown above..
Theoritically, I'll get higher concentration of protein from large amount of culture.
Thus, I'm trying to produce more protein from the 2.0 L bacterial cultures.
*Since M15-pQEC1/pGro7 give better result than M15-pQEC1..therefore I've decided to proceed the optimisation process by using M15-pQEC1/pGro7.
p/s : I'll update the result soon........
~future work: concentrate the protein and trying to redo gel filtration